Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Honesty is your best attempt to be truthful or being as close to the truth as possible. It is an integrity builder that produces self-confidence and the confidence that others will have in you. This is true even when it does not seem to support friendship or someone else’s agenda. People will always find strength in honesty, regardless if they like it or not. Honesty is a matter of being true to yourself and others.

Being dishonest destroys lives, relationships, wealth, etc. Unfortunately, many people find comfort in avoiding the truth for a multitude of reasons. Some people think that a lie may provide them certain privileges or advantages, and sometimes it does. However, they do not understand that any advantage built on dishonesty will always fade away at some point. For this reason, honesty is always the best policy and there is no real grey area between honesty and dishonesty, only a single solid line.

Dishonesty brings on disrespect and there is no lasting relationship with disrespect. Respect is at the center of all agreements and it is the glue that holds together love and relationships. Building wealth calls for good-lasting relationships.

It's interesting that many people have developed a fear or resentment of the truth, because it seems easier to live by a lie. They will custom fit a lie, like a tailored suit to their exact situation. The only problem is that situation will change and the lie must change with it. Someone’s dishonest act will eventually lead to another dishonest act and it continues to grow like a snowball going down hill.

Without honesty, any plan is built on shaky ground. When you remove honesty from your plan, you introduce failure to your plan.

In building wealth, honesty allows you to sit back and enjoy the road to wealth. It is the wellbeing of knowing that you travel with protection, like a safe car on a long journey. Riches by lies and dishonesty is never satisfying. Do not be fooled by smiling faces and fat pockets that encourage you towards a direction of dishonesty; there will always be doubt attached to it as well as consequences. It’s a trap and just like misery loves company, the same goes for dishonest work.

Finally, you must also understand that the greatest form of honesty is the one you have with yourself. You are your greatest asset, but only if you have an honest relationship with yourself. Know your talents, gifts, dreams and use them. Also, know your faults, so you can improve them. Follow your core values at all times, embrace your Uniqueness. To fool yourself or to try to convince yourself of something other is to truly be the greatest fool of all time. Trust in yourself by trusting in your Uniqueness. Believe that greatness is your destiny and stick to it.

Every decision you make for your life will come down to whether you are being honest with yourself or not. “To be or not to be that is the question.” The answer is up to you. Challenge your decisions to assure they come from within your core values.

So, apply honesty and truth in all you do, especially when it comes to your Uniqueness and how you understand yourself. Be honest about what your dreams and passions are in life. Be honest with how you feel about every decision you make before you make it. Be honest about your failures, so that you can learn from them and improve. Be honest about your successes, do not make them any more or less than what they are and move forward to the next success. Plan effectively and gain wealth in a way that you can enjoy it to the fullest. Ensure that it will last beyond your years. Trust me, wealth is built on the foundation of integrity and honesty creates integrity.

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. --Thomas Jefferson

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